Faculty Advisory Board of the Faculty of Law and Economics
It is chaired alternately by the professorial member of the Department of Law or the Department of Economics. The current chair is responsible for tasks in the area of study organization and planning. The term of office of the members of the Faculty Study Advisory Board is two years. The term of office for members of the student group is one year.
Members of the Faculty Study Advisory Board:
- Prof. Dr. Martin Böse
- Prof. Dr. Moritz Brinkmann
- Prof. Dr. Jörg Budde
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Hintermaier
- Prof. Dr. Heiko Sauer
- JProf. Dr. Amelie Schiprowski
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Talmon
Substitute members:
- Prof. Dr. Birke Häcker
- Prof. Dr. Hendrik Hakenes
Academic staff members:
- Elin Baumeister
- Dr. Hannah Illing
Substitute members:
- Dr. Kristina Schmidt
- Dr. Mara Barschket
Group of students:
- Lukas Ahrends
- Maren Austrup
- Florina Döhl
- Konstantin Irlenborn
- Maurice Maur
- Stella-Kristina Mühlender
- Olivia Nuñez-Müller
- Finn Tornow
Substitute members::
- Luis Hornik
- Maximilian Flaskühler